Research in vocational special education


Shepherd Siegel, Park, Hyun Sook , Gumpel, Tom , Ford, Jerry , Tappe, Phyllis , and Gaylord Ross, Robert . 1990. “Research In Vocational Special Education”. In Issues And Research In Special Education, Vol. 1. Teachers College Press Special Education Series, Pp. 173-242. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.


(from the chapter) identified five topics that currently share preeminence in the vocational special education field / follow-up studies of disabled individuals / social support systems in the workplace / techniques to promote skill generalization in vocational contexts / social skill training at work sites / cognitive behavioral notion of self-management / chapter attempts to make a comprehensive review of the most critical issues in vocational special education / a number of syntheses of the current status of our data bases on the five topics are made / training methods supported by data are highlighted / needs and directions for future research are signaled