
Gila Amitay and Gumpel, Thomas . 2013. Academic Self-Efficacy As A Resilience Factor Among Adjudicated Girls. International Journal Of Adolescence And Youth, Pp. 1-26. doi:10.1080/02673843.2013.785437. Publisher's Version
Gila Amitay and Gumpel, Thomas P. . 2013. Academic Self-Efficacy As A Resilience Factor Among Adjudicated Girls. International Journal Of Adolescence And Youth, Pp. 1-26. doi:10.1080/02673843.2013.785437. Publisher's Version
Thomas P. Gumpel. 2013. From The Editor. Journal Of International Special Needs Education, 16, 2, Pp. 67-67. doi:doi:10.9782/2159-4341-16.2.000. Publisher's Version
Thomas P. Gumpel. 2011. One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward: Special Education In Israel. In International Practices In Special Education: Debates And Challenges, Pp. 151 - 170. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press Publishers.
Thomas P. Gumpel and Sutherland, Kevin S. . 2010. The Relation Between Emotional And Behavioral Disorders And School-Based Violence. Aggression And Violent Behavior, 15, Pp. 349-356. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2010.06.003.
P. Thomson, Keehn, E. B. , and Gumpel, T. P. . 2009. Generators And Interpretors In A Performing Arts Population: Dissociation, Trauma, Fantasy Proneness, And Affective States. Creativity Research Journal, 21, 1, Pp. 72-91. doi:Doi 10.1080/10400410802633533 Pii 908465062. Publisher's Version Abstract
An international sample of 130 working artists was divided into two domains: generators (writers, designers, choreographers, one composer) and interpreters (directors, actors, opera singers, dancers). The correlations between dissociation, trauma experiences, fantasy proneness, and affective states were examined, followed by a regression analysis to predict elevated levels of dissociation. Artists, regardless of creative domain, scored in the moderate range for dissociation and fantasy proneness. Both groups endorsed lower levels of affective variability than a normed group. Interpreters scored significantly higher than generators on total dissociation, absorption/imagination, absorption/changeability, and depersonalization/derealization. Additive factors of younger age, affective states of anger, sadness and spirituality, and higher scores on fantasy proneness and traumatic experiences predicted elevated levels of dissociation, with only sadness predicting pathological dissociative levels on the taxometric Dissociative Experiences Scale-II (DES-II) subscale. Given these findings, greater awareness about dissociation and the need for an elaborated model of affect regulation is recommended.
P. Thomson, Keehn, E. B. , and Gumpel, Thomas P. . 2009. Generators And Interpretors In A Performing Arts Population: Dissociation, Trauma, Fantasy Proneness, And Affective States. Creativity Research Journal, 21, 1, Pp. 72-91. doi:Doi 10.1080/10400410802633533 Pii 908465062. Publisher's Version Abstract
An international sample of 130 working artists was divided into two domains: generators (writers, designers, choreographers, one composer) and interpreters (directors, actors, opera singers, dancers). The correlations between dissociation, trauma experiences, fantasy proneness, and affective states were examined, followed by a regression analysis to predict elevated levels of dissociation. Artists, regardless of creative domain, scored in the moderate range for dissociation and fantasy proneness. Both groups endorsed lower levels of affective variability than a normed group. Interpreters scored significantly higher than generators on total dissociation, absorption/imagination, absorption/changeability, and depersonalization/derealization. Additive factors of younger age, affective states of anger, sadness and spirituality, and higher scores on fantasy proneness and traumatic experiences predicted elevated levels of dissociation, with only sadness predicting pathological dissociative levels on the taxometric Dissociative Experiences Scale-II (DES-II) subscale. Given these findings, greater awareness about dissociation and the need for an elaborated model of affect regulation is recommended.
Thomas P. Gumpel. 2008. Behavioral Disorders In The School: Participant Roles And Sub-Roles In Three Types Of School Violence. Journal Of Emotional And Behavioral Disorders, 16, 3, Pp. 145-162. doi:10.1177/1063426607310846. Publisher's Version Abstract
This study presents an attempt to widen the study of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) to include children not formally identified by the school as having EBD through examining the case of extreme school aggressors and their victims. The research describes the validation of the School Violence Inventory (SVI) and its use to map participant roles in six types of school aggression and victimization. Middle and high school students in Israel (N = 10,383) completed the SVI and were designated as uninvolved, pure aggressors, pure victims, and mixed aggressor-victims for direct physical, relational, and sexual aggression and victimization. Results showed a main effect for grade level for all types of aggression. Multiple hierarchical regressions showed different trajectories for each of the four participant roles. Implications for future research delineating the psychological markers of each of the different roles and implications for the future study of EBD are discussed.
Thomas P. Gumpel. 2007. Are Social Competence Difficulties Caused By Performance Or Acquisition Deficits? The Importance Of Self-Regulatory Mechanisms. Psychology In The Schools, 44, 4, Pp. 351-372. doi:10.1002/pits.20229.
Thomas P. Gumpel and Sharoni, Varda . 2007. Current Best Practices In Learning Disabilities In Israel. Learning Disabilities Research And Practice, 22, 3, Pp. 202-209. Abstract
We present an analysis of the current state of practice in the diagnosis and treatment of learning disabilities (LD) in Israel. Through an examination of the cultural, historical, and demographic background of the country ("deep structures"), we show how a fragmented society has developed; it segregates different ethnicities and social groups and has led to an educational system ("surface structures") that perpetuates that separation. Special education law also reflects and perpetuates that social reality. However, since 2002, the Israeli Ministry of Education, through legislation and ministerial guidelines, has embarked on a mission to include children with LD fully in the general education curriculum. This change is meaningful, because it is foreign to the Israeli educational perspective. The development of a response-to-intervention model that includes a specialist (called a Matal) charged with providing diagnostic and prescriptive case management is still in its experimental phase and its efficacy has yet to be evaluated. However, adoption of this model has already had an effect on the testing and diagnosis of LD. Future trajectories of Israeli LD are also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)
Thomas P. Gumpel and Nir, Adam E. . 2005. The Israeli Educational System: Blending Dreams With Constraints. In Schooling Around The World: Debates, Challenges And Practices, Pp. 149-167. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Thomas P. Gumpel and Awartani, Sana . 2003. A Comparison Of Special Education In Israel And Palestine: Surface And Deep Structures. Journal Of Special Education, 37, 1, Pp. 33-48. Abstract
Comparative studies of special education policy typically compare the provision of special education services in different countries, based primarily on comparative variables such as legal mandates, rules and regulations, and budgetary allocations. Aside from the analysis of these surface structures, it is imperative also to take into account the deep structures (i.e., sociohistorical background) of the culture that created those policies. In this study, different aspects of Israeli and Palestinian Authority special educational policies were compared on both surface and deep levels. The surface analysis revealed that both systems are currently undergoing major revisions and restructuring. On the one hand, the Israeli system is redefining how it will educate children with special educational needs in more inclusive settings (in stark contrast to previous segregationist policy). On the other hand, special education in the Palestinian Authority is an emerging field, currently experimenting with different models of inclusionary practices. Despite their differences, both systems are similar in that teachers are being asked to implement these changes. On a deep-structure level distinctions were noted between Palestinian and Israeli teacher views related to equity issues. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2003 APA, all rights reserved)
Thomas P. Gumpel. 2003. School-Based Violence And Special Education Status: Subtypes Of Aggressors And Victims. In Council Of Exceptional Children Conference 2003.
D. Stein, Pat-Horenczyk, R. , Blank, S. , Dagan, Y. , Barak, Y. , and Gumpel, T. P. . 2002. Sleep Disturbances In Adolescents With Symptoms Of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 35, 3, Pp. 268-275. <Go to ISI>://000175462100008. Publisher's Version Abstract
We evaluated 32 nonmedicated male adolescents diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in childhood, 35 male adolescents similarly diagnosed who were receiving methylphenidate (MPH), and 777 control buys. Both ADHD groups completed self-report questionnaires assessing sleep disturbances; weekday and holiday sleep duration; and symptoms of ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Parents and teachers rated the severity of the participants' ADHD. The control group completed self-report questionnaires assessing sleep disturbances. We found that nonmedicated participants and controls did not differ in the severity of sleep disturbance. In contrast, the medicated participants demonstrated a significantly greater severity of sleep disturbance compared with the nonmedicated participants and reported elevated levels of symptoms of ADHID, anxiety, and depression. Specific analyses showed that depressive symptoms contributed significantly to the degree of sleep disturbance when controlling for ADHD diagnosis and MPH treatment. These findings suggest that among adolescents with ADHD symptoms, the severity of symptoms of depression may contribute to the degree of sleep disturbance in addition to the effect of their primary disorder and MPH treatment.
D. Stein, Pat-Horenczyk, R. , Blank, S. , Dagan, Y. , Barak, Y. , and Gumpel, Thomas P. . 2002. Sleep Disturbances In Adolescents With Symptoms Of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 35, 3, Pp. 268-275. <Go to ISI>://000175462100008. Publisher's Version Abstract
We evaluated 32 nonmedicated male adolescents diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in childhood, 35 male adolescents similarly diagnosed who were receiving methylphenidate (MPH), and 777 control buys. Both ADHD groups completed self-report questionnaires assessing sleep disturbances; weekday and holiday sleep duration; and symptoms of ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Parents and teachers rated the severity of the participants' ADHD. The control group completed self-report questionnaires assessing sleep disturbances. We found that nonmedicated participants and controls did not differ in the severity of sleep disturbance. In contrast, the medicated participants demonstrated a significantly greater severity of sleep disturbance compared with the nonmedicated participants and reported elevated levels of symptoms of ADHID, anxiety, and depression. Specific analyses showed that depressive symptoms contributed significantly to the degree of sleep disturbance when controlling for ADHD diagnosis and MPH treatment. These findings suggest that among adolescents with ADHD symptoms, the severity of symptoms of depression may contribute to the degree of sleep disturbance in addition to the effect of their primary disorder and MPH treatment.
H. Meadan and Gumpel, T. P. . 2002. Special Education In Israel. Teaching Exceptional Children, 34, 5, Pp. 16-20.
H. Meadan and Gumpel, Thomas P. . 2002. Special Education In Israel. Teaching Exceptional Children, 34, 5, Pp. 16-20.
Two multiple baseline designs were used to evaluate a two-stage model for training four young adults with visual and cognitive impairments to shop for groceries. General case methods of choosing training exemplars and canvassing the skill performance of individuals without disabilities were the bases of a task-analytical flow chart of the behavioral skills involved in grocery shopping. The four young adults improved both the number of skills steps completed and the number of correct items purchased and maintained their skills at the 3-, 9-, and 12-week follow-ups.