Comparison of social problem-solving abilities among adults with and without developmental disabilities


T. P. Gumpel, Tappe, P. , and Araki, C. . 2000. “Comparison Of Social Problem-Solving Abilities Among Adults With And Without Developmental Disabilities”. Education And Training In Mental Retardation And Developmental Disabilities, 35, 3, Pp. 259-268. <Go to ISI>://000168714200003. ://000168714200003'>


Responses to the Social Situation Survey were coded into a series of five hierarchical categories based on their sophistication, and data were examined using an IRT Rasch methodology. The analysis for both groups found high levels of item and case fit, showing the strong psychometric characteristics of the research instrument. Comparison between the latent structures of the domain of social problem-solving for the two groups of respondents showed differences in item difficulties of 9 items for respondents with developmental disabilities. Respondents with developmental disabilities found employment related social problems as difficult to effectively solve followed by social skills in the community and in an independent living situation. Suggestions for further research on theoretical aspects of social problem-solving are presented.


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